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Get started integrating Rails 4 and QuickBooks Online with the Quickeebooks Gem: Part 1


IMPORTANT: Tutorial uses Rails 4, Ruby 1.9.3, and Pow(hence OSX). Adapt for your ecosystem.

Part 1 aim

Perform all the steps necessary to make an OAuth connection from a Rails 4 app (called Billtastic) to your QuickBooks Online (QBO) Account.

  1. Join the Intuit Partner Platform
  2. DISCUSSION: I am going to assume you have a QBO account, which you can use your existing QBO username and password to join as a developer. If you are a developer and want to have a sandbox account then email Intuit @ ippdevelopersupport@intuit.com and request a developer subscription to QBO Plus.
    After joining you will be asked to confirm your email. Even after confirming, you may continue to receive an error stating that you haven't confirmed. To get past this, log on and then off again.
  3. Create a new app.
  4. After joining up and confirmation your email, create a new QuickBooks API app.
    Fill in your card like this one and click the "Save". Note: the billtastic.io is entered just because you need a real domain to get past the field's validations.
    After saving, your app tokens and keys will be presented. The consumer key and secret need to be added to the Rails app, which is down in step 6.
  5. Create a new Rails app and hook it up with Pow.
  6. $ cd ~/www/labs # My experimental area
    $ rails new billtastic
    $ ln -s ~/www/labs/billtastic ~/.pow # Hook up Pow
    $ curl -L billtastic.dev | grep "Welcome" # Test hook up
  7. Add the quickeebooks and oauth-plugin gems to the Gemfile and run bundle install.
  8. # Edit the Gemfile and add these two gems:
    gem 'quickeebooks'
    gem 'oauth-plugin'
    $ bundle install
  9. Generate Vendor scaffolding
  10. $ rails g scaffold Vendor name
    $ rake db:migrate
    DISCUSSION: In Part 2 a Vendor will be created in both Rails & QBO but for now we are going to piggyback on the Vendor scaffolding view code to do the authentication.
  11. Create a new YAML config file called config/quickbooks.yml:
  12. # The values here are just examples. Cut and paste the values that were generated in Step 2. See Fig. 3
    key: qshfas789asfa98fafdafaff
    secret: FFasfafs435345FAADFGAGA452345345afdfaffasdfaf
  13. Create config/initializers/quickeebooks.rb.
  14. QB_CREDS = YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path('./config/quickbooks.yml', Rails.root)))
    $qb_oauth_consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(QB_CREDS['key'], QB_CREDS['secret'], {
      site:                "https://oauth.intuit.com",
      request_token_path:  "/oauth/v1/get_request_token",
      authorize_url:       "https://appcenter.intuit.com/Connect/Begin",
      access_token_path:   "/oauth/v1/get_access_token"
  15. Add the following routes to config/routes.rb.
  16. Billtastic::Application.routes.draw do
      resources :vendors do
        collection do
          get :authenticate
          get :oauth_callback
  17. Add the actions app/controllers/vendors_controller.rb for the routes we added in the previous step.
  18.   # app/controllers/vendors_controller.rb
      # .. code omitted
      def authenticate
        callback = oauth_callback_vendors_url
        token = $qb_oauth_consumer.get_request_token(:oauth_callback => callback)
        session[:qb_request_token] = token
        redirect_to("https://appcenter.intuit.com/Connect/Begin?oauth_token=#{token.token}") and return
      def oauth_callback
        at = session[:qb_request_token].get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => params[:oauth_verifier])
        session[:token] = at.token
        session[:secret] = at.secret
        session[:realm_id] = params['realmId']
        flash.notice = "Your QuickBooks account has been successfully linked."
        @msg = 'Redirecting. Please wait.'
        @url = vendors_path
        render 'close_and_redirect', layout: false
      # .. code omitted
    DISCUSSION: In a real app you will persist the token, secret & RealmID to the database for a user. Those 3 items are needed to communicate with QBO. For convenience, sessions are being used for persistence in this tutorial.
  19. Add Intuit Connect button code to application layout on app/view/layouts/application.html.erb.
  20.   .. omitted
        <!-- REPLACE THE BODY of the default application.html.erb with this -->
        <% unless session[:token] %>
        <% end %>
        <% if notice %>
          <div style="padding: 10px;background: gainsboro;font-weight: 900;width: 50%;"><%= notice %></div>
        <% end %>
        <%= yield %>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="https://appcenter.intuit.com/Content/IA/intuit.ipp.anywhere.js"></script>
            intuit.ipp.anywhere.setup({menuProxy: '/path/to/blue-dot', grantUrl: '<%= authenticate_vendors_url %>'});
    DISCUSSION: For a tutorial it is a bit heavy handed to put this code into the application layout, however, for a production app Intuit requires that their blue dot menu to be displayed on each page so you might find yourself putting Intuit scripts in the layout.
  21. Reload with a touch tmp/restart.txt.
  22. Let's take a look. Navigate your browser to billtastic.dev/vendors and you should see this:
  23. Now we are almost ready to Connect with QuickBooks
  24. Create app/views/vendors/close_and_redirect.html.erb to handle the redirect from QuickBooks.
  25. <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title><%= @msg %></title>
    <h3><%= @msg %></h3>
     setTimeout(function(){ window.opener.location = '<%= @url %>'; window.close(); }, 10000);
    DISCUSSION: Go back to step 9 and checkout the oauth_callback action as it is responsible for rendering the close_and_redirect view. Also, read my article that explains this above code in more detail.
  26. Go back to the browser on billtastic.dev/vendors, click on the 'Connect with QuickBooks' button, and sign in
  27. Put in your QBO username and password and click the 'Sign in' button.
    Then click the 'Authorize' button.
  28. After a successful authentication, Intuit will return a GET request to the /vendors/oauth_callback. Again, see the oauth_callback action in step 9 to see what is going on.
  29. This is the Step 13 view code in action.
    Success! We are now authorized to communicate with QuickBooks.
  30. Lastly, let's double check that the QBO connection was indeed successful. Go to QBO, login, and navigate to the 'Company' tab and then to the 'Activity Log' submenu.
  31. You should see that you signed in.

Next episode, creating an entity

In Part 2 I will dig a bit more into the Quickeebooks gem by creating a vendor on the Rails app as well as in QBO.