Pure CSS3 loading animation with Bourbon
Animations will cease after 30 seconds to not spike your processor. Reload page to see'em again.
<div class="loading-circle"></div> <div class="loading-circle-small"></div>
Custom Styling
.loading-circle { @include loading-animation-circle; } .loading-circle-small { @include loading-animation-circle($size: 30, $speed: 2.1, $color: blue, $border-size: 20); }
Animation mixin
@import 'bourbon/bourbon'; @mixin loading-animation-circle($size: 50, $border-size: 5, $speed: 1.0, $color: gray) { height: #{$size}px; width: #{$size}px; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; @include animation(loading-animation-rotation #{$speed}s infinite linear); border: #{$border-size}px solid tint($color, 70%); border-radius: 100%; &:before { content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; left: -#{$border-size}px; top: -#{$border-size}px; height: 100%; width: 100%; border-top: #{$border-size}px solid $color; border-left: #{$border-size}px solid transparent; border-bottom: #{$border-size}px solid transparent; border-right: #{$border-size}px solid transparent; border-radius: 100%; } } @include keyframes(loading-animation-rotation) { from { @include transform(rotate(0deg)); } to { @include transform(rotate(359deg)); } }
- Pushed on 08/06/2013 by Christian