Search your Rails code
Copy the contents of the below to your /bin/ and do a chmod +x /bin/
- cd /var/www/project_code# Important: Only searches current directory so you must switch into it
- "def screenshot"
- "def screenshot" -d "./vendor ./app" # -d switch: just look into directories vendor and app. Need quotes for multiple directories
- list_tag_history -f "html.erb"# -f switch: just search .html.erb files
- "function open_window" -f js -d ./public# this will only search javascript files in the public directory
- "function open_window" "js|erb"# this will only search javascript files and .erb files
- "func.*open_"# pass in a regex
# contents of OPTIND=2 while getopts "d:f:" OPTION do case $OPTION in d) dirs=$OPTARG;; f) files=$OPTARG;; esac done [ -e ${files+isset} ] && files="rb|rhtml|html|erb|css|js|rjs|rake" [ -e ${dirs+isset} ] && dirs="app/ public/ lib/ script/ config/" file_regex="^.*\.($files)$" cmd=$( cat <<EOT find $dirs \ -regextype 'posix-egrep' -regex '$file_regex' \ -not -name "firebug-lite-compressed.js" -not -name "AJS.*" \ -exec grep -Hn "$1" {} \; EOT ) eval $cmd
The above code is a simple and fast find script for posix systems. It is fast because you determine which file types or not to search through. Just using a find . -name "." exec grep
type of search is quite slow in my experience.
You can hack this code easily to search PHP projects for example, (or Python, Perl, whatever ) by editing the files="rb|rhtml|html|erb|css|js|rjs|rake"
and dirs="app/ public/ lib/ script/ config/"
lines to fit your project needs.
You will have to change the "-not -name" line to fit your personal project needs. This line is for excluding searching certain files. For example in the above code I don't want to search files that start with "AJS" or Firebug.
This code is lovingly named after the fart utility.
- Pushed on 10/21/2010 by Christian