QuickBooks Ruby Newsletter
Issue 7. December 24th, 2014
Github user, @raksonibs, is jammin on this. I also put in my 2 cents.
I have this link on my bookmarks bar and try to check it daily.
Released on December 18th.
Intuit is running out of realm ids. You will have to modify your code so take a looksee at the article.
Spoiler: If you are getting an "General IO error while proxying request".
Looks like Intuit is using Nodejs internally. We could use a NPM package like quickbooks-ruby.
They need a Intuit provider. Jump in and build some Nodejs street cred.
This link goes to my twitter account which has a bunch of pictures displaying my 2014-15 backyard ice rink.
Where is the QBSDK Rails gem, Minimul?
I am going to have to get some copyright permissions worked out but I remain optimistic.